vintage 1959 Gibson Les Paul Junior guitar

1959 Gibson Les Paul Junior Cherry Red with Stinger

  Lots of great vintage Gibson Les Paul guitars came through the shop in 2020, but one of my clear favorites is this 1959 Gibson Les Paul Junior in Cherry...
Vintage 1950s Gibson Les Paul electric guitar

Vintage 1955 Gibson Les Paul Model goldtop Factory Refinish and Update in 1969

I'm always looking to buy vintage Gibson Les Paul guitars but I especially love the Les Pauls with beautiful gold finish from the mid 1950s. Please contact me here if...
Inside a vintage 1954 Gibson Les Paul goldtop

Inside a vintage 1954 Gibson Les Paul goldtop

  It's important to gather all the data possible before doing a vintage guitar valuation, especially with vintage Gibson Les Paul guitars. Many vintage guitar dealers have great photos on...