This image shows a vintage Fender guitar with serial number plate. This page helps the user date a Fender guitar serial number, read a Fender serial number, and find out what year their Fender guitar was made.

Comprehensive Fender Serial Number Dating Guide

Welcome to True Vintage Guitar's comprehensive vintage Fender guitar guide to show you how to read your Fender serial number.

How to read almost every Fender guitar serial number to date a Stratocaster, Telecaster, Jazzmaster, Jaguar, and other Fender guitars.

How To Check Your Fender Serial Number

Instantly find out what year your Fender guitar was made by typing in the number into our Lookup. Our custom made Fender serial number lookup will help you find the year and teach you how to read the serial number. This unique vintage Fender guitar guide is designed to help you decode the serial number for nearly every Fender guitar made from the 1950s until today.

All Fender serial numbers covered here:

Use our Instant Lookup: Fender Serial Number Lookup. Enter your Fender serial to find out the year instantly.

Need help finding your Fender serial number?: Where to find your Fender serial number.

Learn how to read all the different Fender serial number styles here in chronological order.

1950 - 1954 (bridge plate): 4 Digit 1950 - 1954 Esquire, Broadcaster, Telecaster or 4 Digit Precision Bass

1954 (tremolo cover plate): 4 Digits 1954 Stratocasters Trem Cover

1954 - 1976 (neck plate): 4-5 Digit 1954 - 1958 | 5 Digits 1959 - 1963 | "L" Series 1963 - 1965 | Large "F" 1965 - 1972 | Large "F" 1972 - 1976

1976 through 2000s (front of headstock, USA and Mexico): "76" Prefix | S Prefix Seventies | E Prefix Eighties | N Prefix Nineties | MN Prefix | MZ Prefix

Vintage Reissues (bridge plate): 5+ Digit & V Prefix Reissues

1990s - Today (back of headstock, USA and Mexico): N Prefix | Z Prefix | US Prefix | MN Prefix | MZ Prefix

1990s to Today (Japan, neck heel): Be sure to check if "Made in Japan" or "Crafted in Japan".

Want more Fender guitar history? Check out our FAQ & Fender Guitar Timeline

How to date Fender guitars by serial number. This image shows 6 different locations for serial numbers on Fender guitars. This image shows the user where to find the serial number on their Fender guitar.

Where to find your Fender Serial Number

Wondering where to find the serial number on your guitar? Listed below are the 6 possible locations for Fender serial numbers. If you're not sure where to look, click the "I need help finding my serial number" button on our Fender Serial Number Lookup:

  • Neck Plate: Fender placed the serial number on the neck plate from 1955 until 1976.
  • Bridge Plate: Many early 1950s Telecasters, Precision Basses, and later reissue guitars have serial numbers on the bridge plate.
  • Front of the Headstock: Fender guitars made between 1976 and 1995 have serial numbers on the front of the headstock.
  • Back of the Headstock: Fender guitars from 1996 through today have serial numbers on the front of the headstock.
  • Back of Neck Heel: Fender guitars made in Japan typically have serial numbers on the neck heel.
  • Tremolo Cover Plate: The first two-hundred Stratocasters manufactured featured a serial number on the tremolo cover plate at the back of the guitar.

Once you’ve located the serial number, you can check your Fender guitar serial number against our comprehensive charts to uncover its production year and origin. Learning how to read a Fender guitar serial number can give you valuable insight into the history, value, and authenticity of your instrument. Use this information to explore your guitar’s unique story and ensure its place in Fender’s rich legacy.

Vintage Fender Guitar Buyer

Fender serial numbers on the neck plate with 4 - 5 digits 1954 - 1958

Fender utilized a 4 or 5 digit serial number on the neck plate from 1954 until 1963. The numbers were die stamped on plates en mass but not always assigned in sequential order. The serial number alone is not sufficient to to precisely date a Fender guitar from this time period. If your Fender serial number lookup identifies this range, contact us for an appraisal or selling inquiries. Contact Us

Start Finish Year Notes
0001 8000 1954 First year of production for Stratocaster. First year Stratocasters are among the most valuable Fender guitars.
6000 10000 1955
9000 16000 1956
16000 25000 1957 Some serial numbers in this range have an additional "-" or "0" prefix
25000 30000 1958 First year of production for Jazzmaster
Some serial numbers in this range have an additional "-" or "0" prefix

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Fender serial numbers on the neck plate 1959 - 1963

The neck plate serial numbers from 1959 to 1963 are mostly sequential but not the most accurate way to date a Fender guitar from this time period. You can contact us for help to date a Fender guitar in this serial number range: Contact Us.

Fender introduced the Custom Telecaster in 1959 and the slab Rosewood fretboard for the Stratocaster and Telecaster, highly sought after by collectors and players alike.

Start Finish Year Notes
30000 40000 1959 First year of Custom Telecaster.
40000 58000 1960 First year of the Jazz Bass
55000 72000 1961 First year of the Bass VI
72000 93000 1962 First year of manufacturing for Fender Jaguar.
Mid-1962 is also last production of "slab-board" necks
93001 99999 1963

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Vintage Fender Guitar Buyer

Looking to Sell?

If you own a vintage Fender guitar made from 1950 - 1963 and want more info, or a price quote, you can contact me here: Sell a Fender guitar.

Guitar collector who buys vintage Fender Stratocaster and Telecaster guitars

How to read Fender serial numbers beginning with "L" on the neck plate

These guitars represent the final years of Fender’s pre-CBS production from 1963 until 1965. The serial numbers remained on the neck plate, but now are preceeded by an "L". The numbers started over at "L00001" and maxed out in 1965 at "L99999" in the fall of 1965.

We buy, appraise, and broker Fender guitars from this time period: Contact us for a price quote today for a Stratocaster, Telecaster, Jazzmaster, or Jaguar.

Start Finish Year
L00001 L20000 1963
L20001 L60000 1964
L55000 L99999 1965

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How to read Fender serial numbers on a neck plate with Large "F" 1965 - 1972

Fender transitioned from the L series serial numbers to the 6 digit "F" plate in the third quarter of 1965. Like ranges, the neck plates weren't assigned in exactly sequential order. If your Fender serial number lookup identifies this range, reach out to learn more. Contact us today

Start Finish Year
100000 110000 1965
110001 179999 1966
180000 200000 1966, 1967
200001 210000 1967
210001 250000 1968
250001 280000 1969
280001 300000 1970
300001 330000 1971

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Fender serial number lookup on a neck plate with large "F" stamp 1972 - 1976

Fender transitioned from the 4 bolt neck joint to the Micro Tilt 3 bolt neck joint during this period.
These Fender guitars were manufactured in the Fullerton, California factory. Like the previous ranges, the neck plates with serial numbers weren't assigned in exactly sequential order. It's best to date Fender guitars in this range with serial numbers, neck dates, and potentiometer codes.

Start Finish Year
330001 370000 1972
370001 499999 1973
500000 520000 1973, 1974
520001 580000 1974
580001 690000 1975
690000 750000 1976

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how to read Fender serial number Bridge Plate

Check a Fender guitar serial number on the bridge plate

Fender's original run of solid body electric guitars and basses featured a four digit serial number on the bridge plate. You can find the serial number on the bridge plate of some of the earliest vintage Fender models, including the Broadcaster, Esquire, and Telecaster. Use the charts below to decode your serial number and identify the era, model, and value of your guitar. You will also find modern Fender guitars with a serial number stamped on the bridge plate; see charts below for more details. You can also use the graphic above to help distinguish a vintage Fender serial number from a modern reissue.

Early 1950s Fender Broadcaster, Esquire, and Telecaster serial numbers

1950–1954 Bridge Plate Serial Numbers

Vintage gems like the Broadcaster, Esquire, and Telecaster feature a four digit serial number on the bridge plate located in the center of the body. Fender guitars made during this time period are highly valued by collectors. You can contact us for help with dating, appraising, or selling your guitar.

Start Finish Year Notes
0001 1349 1950 - 1952 1950 - 1952 were the first years of production for the famous Broadcaster, Nocaster, Telecaster, and Esquire. John collects early Fender guitars: Contact Us if you're thinking about selling.
1350 2999 1951 - 1954 This range is approximate because the serial numbers aren't sequential. Send pictures to TVG for help with dating, appraisal, or to discuss selling: Contact Us
3000 5999 1952 - 1954

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How to read Fender Precision Bass bridge plate serial numbers

If your Fender serial number lookup shows that your bass guitar was made from 1951 - 1954, please send pictures to TVG for help with dating, appraisal, or to discuss selling: Contact Us

Start Finish Year Notes
100 600 1951 - 1952 First year of production for Precision Bass.
This range is approximate since Fender never intended the serial numbers to be sequential.
0001 0900 1952 - 1953 This range is approximate since Fender never intended the serial numbers to be sequential.
0800 2000 1954 This range is approximate since Fender never intended the serial numbers to be sequential.

Fender Reissue 1950s Telecaster Bridge Plate Serial Numbers

Some Fender serial number searches can get confusing, this is one of them. If your bridge plate Fender serial number has 5 digits or a letter prefix then it is a reissue made since the 1980s, not a 1950s guitar. You can date a reissue via the neck heel or the potentiometer codes.

Start Finish Year
00001 9999999 1980s to today Check number of digits. 5 digit bridge plate serial numbers are not dated coded and are reissues of vintage guitars. Check for the year on the neck heel.
Letter code Year Notes
V 4 to 6 digits Not date coded V = "Vintage Reissue" V serial numbers are not dated coded, but you can check for the year on the neck heel

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Lookup Fender Serial Numbers on front of headstock

How to read Fender Serial Numbers on the Front of the Headstock

Fender placed serial numbers on the front of the headstock from 1976 until the mid 1990s. Fender serial numbers on the front of the headstock are comprised of a prefix to indicate a decade (and sometimes a factory), then a preceding bold digit to indicate the year, then a sequential number. This section includes Fender guitars made in the USA, Mexico, and Korea:

Start Finish Year How to decode serial number
7600001 7699999 1976 Bold "76" prefix indicates 1976. Made in the Fullerton, California factory.
Letter code Year Notes
S 6 digits 1970s "S" = 1970s ("Seventies"), 1st digit after S = Year, but this range usually overlaps into the following year or two. Made in the Fullerton, California factory.
E 6 digits 1980s "E" = 1980s ("Eighties"), 1st digit after E = Year, but this range usually overlaps into the following year or few years. Made in the Fullerton, California factory.
V 4 to 6 digits Not date coded V = "Vintage Reissue" V serial numbers are not date coded, but you can check for the year on the neck heel.
N 6 digits 1990s "N" = 1990s, First digit after N = Year. Example: "N2123456" = 1992.
Z 6 digits 2000s "Z" = 2000s, First digit after Z = Year. Example: "Z2123456" = 2002.
MN 6 digits 1990s "M" = Mexico Ensenada factory, "N" = 1990s, First digit after N = Year. Example: "MN212345" = 1992.
MZ 7 digits 2000s "M" = Mexico Ensenada factory, "Z"= 2000s, First digit after Z = Year. Example: "MZ2012345" = 2002.
CN 6 - 8 digits 1990s "N"= 1990s, First digit = Year. Example: "CN2012345" = 1992.

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how to read Fender Serial Numbers on Back of Headstock

How to Read Fender Serial Numbers on the Back of the Headstock

Fender began placing serial numbers on the back of the headstock in the mid 1990s. Fender serial numbers on the headstock are comprised of a prefix to indicate a decade (and sometimes a factory), a preceding bold digit to indicate the year, then a sequential number. This section includes Fender guitars made in the USA, Mexico, and Japan:

Letter code Year How To Decode Your Serial Number
MX 8 digits 2010s "M" = Mexico Ensenada factory, "X"= 2010s, 2nd digit after X = Year. Example: "MX12012345" = 2012.
N 6 digits 1990s "N" = 1990s, First digit after N = Year. Example: "N2123456" = 1992.
Z 6 digits 2000s "Z" = 2000s, First digit after Z = Year. Example: "Z2123456" = 2002.
US 8 digits 2010s & 2020s "US" = USA, First two digits = year. E.g: "US10000001" = The first guitar made in the USA in 2010.
JD 8 digits 2010s Made in Japan - JD = "Japan Dyna." Pattern: First two digits after "JD" = Year. E.g.: JD11xxxxxx = 2011.

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lookup Japan Fender Serial Numbers on back of neck

How to Read Fender Serial Numbers on the Back of the Neck Heel

For some Japanese-made Fender guitars, the serial number is found on the back of the neck heel. These markings are common on vintage and modern Japanese models. Use this chart to help with your Japanese Fender serial number lookup:

Marked "Made in Japan"

Letter Code Digits Year Notes
JV 5 digits 1982 - 1984 Made in Japan
SQ 5 digits 1983 - 1984 Made in Japan
A 5 digits Mid 1980s Made in Japan
B 6 digits 1985 - 1986 Made in Japan
F 6 digits 1986 - 1987 Made in Japan
H 6 digits 1988 - 1989 Made in Japan
I 6 digits 1989 - 1990 Made in Japan
J 6 digits 1989 - 1990 Made in Japan
K 6 digits 1990 - 1991 Made in Japan
L 6 digits 1991 - 1992 Made in Japan
M 6 digits 1992 - 1993 Made in Japan
O 6 digits 1993 - 1994 Made in Japan
P 6 digits 1993 - 1994 Made in Japan
Q 6 digits 1993 - 1994 Made in Japan
S 6 digits 1994 - 1995 Made in Japan
T 6 digits 1994 - 1995 Made in Japan
U 6 digits 1995 - 1996 Made in Japan
V 6 digits 1996 - 1997 Made in Japan
N 6 digits 1995 - 1996 Made in Japan

Marked "Crafted in Japan"

Letter Code Year Notes
A 6 digits 1997 - 1998 Crafted in Japan
B 6 digits 1997 - 1999 Crafted in Japan
O 6 digits 1997 - 2000 Crafted in Japan
P 6 digits 1999 - 2002 Crafted in Japan
Q 6 digits 2002 - 2004 Crafted in Japan
R 6 digits 2004 - 2005 Crafted In Japan
S 6 digits 2006 - 2008 Crafted in Japan
T 6 digits 2007 - 2010 Crafted in Japan
U 6 digits 2010 - 2011 Made in Japan

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Serial Numbers on the Tremolo Cover Plate

The earliest Stratocasters feature serial numbers on the tremolo cover plate. If your Fender Stratocaster serial number lookup leads here, it may be one of the first made. Contact John for help with dating, appraisal, or to discuss selling.

Start Finish Year Decode Your Serial Number
0100 209 1954 1954 was the first year Stratocasters were made. The first 200 or so had a serial number located on the back trem cover as seen in the photo above.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Fender Serial Numbers

Q: Why doesn't my vintage Fender guitar serial number lookup show a result on Fender's serial number database?

A: This is very common. Many of Fender's early guitar serial numbers are not in their database. If you are trying to lookup information about a Fender guitar made before 1965, please start at the top of this page.

Q: How do I look up my Fender serial number if Fender's page says "No Results"?

A: Fender's serial number page is built only for newer guitars made in the past 30 years. I've built this page to help guitar owners with old Fender guitars made in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s. You'll need the location of the serial number, any prefix, and the exact numbers of digits in order to get to the correct serial number chart. Start at the top of this page to read your Fender serial number.

Q: Can I check the value of a vintage Fender guitar by serial number?

A: The year of manufacture of a Fender guitar certainly effects its value, but the serial number alone is not very helpful. If you're looking for help finding the value of a vintage Fender guitar, check here: Value of a Stratocaster or Guitar Appraisal.

Q: Are vintage Fender guitars with the serial number on the neck plate valuable?

A: They can be! Fender guitars with serial numbers on the neck plate are often valuable, particularly if they are from the 1950s through the mid-1960s. Fender began placing serial numbers on neck plates in 1954 for most models. The serial number can help identify the production year, which is critical for determining value. For instance:

  • A neck plate serial number starting with L typically indicates a pre-CBS Fender from the early 1960s, making it more desirable.
  • Those from the CBS era (1965–1985) are generally less valuable but can still fetch a good price depending on the model, rarity, and condition.

Q: How can I tell if my Fender guitar with a serial number on the bridge plate is valuable?

A: Fender guitars with serial numbers on the bridge plate, such as early Telecasters (Broadcaster/Nocaster models from the early 1950s), are among the most valuable. To assess value:

  1. Check the Serial Number: Early bridge plate serial numbers are a strong indicator of age. For example, numbers below 6,000 often signify early 1950s models.
  2. Inspect for Original Features: Authenticity matters. Original parts, finishes, and case accessories add to the guitar’s value.
  3. Verify the Model's History: If your bridge-plate numbered guitar corresponds to a historically significant model or year, it could be valuable to a collector. If you would like definitive info about the value of your vintage Fender guitar contact me for a Guitar Appraisal.

Q: Which years of Fender guitar production are most valued by collectors?

A: Collectors value vintage Fender guitars from these periods:

  • 1950–1954: Early Broadcaster/Nocaster and Stratocaster guitars are exceptionally rare and valuable.
  • 1954–1965: Pre-CBS era Stratocasters, Telecasters, and Precision Basses are among the most prized vintage Fenders due to their build quality and historical significance.
  • 1971–1981: While less valuable than pre-CBS guitars, certain models like the Telecaster Deluxe or limited-edition runs can still be highly sought after.
  • Custom Shop Editions (1987–present): Although modern, Custom Shop reissues and relic models that mimic the style of pre-CBS guitars have gained a dedicated following.

By cross-referencing the serial number, production features, and historical context, you can begin to understand the value of your vintage Fender guitar.

If your serial number research shows that you own a Fender guitar made between 1950 - 1965, please contact us for a guitar appraisal today.

Fender Guitar Timeline 1946 - 1975

1946–1950: Foundations and Early Models

  • 1946: Leo Fender establishes the Fender Electric Instrument Company in Fullerton, California.
  • 1950: Fender introduces the iconic Esquire (single pickup), and Broadcaster, their first dual-pickup solid-body electric guitars. (Note, they weren't a hit at the first "NAMM" Dealer Show.)

1951–1959: Ground Breaking Designs and Early Innovations

  • 1951: Broadcaster to Nocaster to Telecaster. Due to a trademark dispute with Gretsch (which used the name "Broadkaster" for a drum line), Fender stops using the name Broadcaster. Guitars were shipped for the first 8-9 months with the "Broadcaster" name clipped off of the decal on the headstock. These are nicknamed "Nocasters." The Telecaster name, based on "television" and "Broadcaster" is introduced in late 1951.
  • The Precision Bass debuts, revolutionizing bass guitar design with a solid body and fretted maple neck.
  • 1954: The Stratocaster is introduced, featuring a space age contoured body, maple neck, three single-coil pickups, and a synchronized tremolo system.
  • 1958: Fender unveils the Jazzmaster, designed with an offset body and targeting jazz musicians. They also offer custom colors in their catalog for the first time.
  • 1959: Fender introduces slab rosewood fretboards on its electric guitars, replacing one-piece maple necks. This marks the beginning of rosewood becoming a standard option.

1960–1965: Expansion and Refinement

  • 1960: The Jazz Bass debuts, offering a slimmer neck profile and offset body than the P-Bass. Slab rosewood fretboards continue to appear across Fender’s guitar lineup.
  • 1962: Fender transitions to veneer rosewood fretboards, a thinner curved design replacing the slab boards. The Jaguar is introduced, featuring a shorter scale length and advanced electronic circuitry.
  • 1965: CBS acquires Fender, leading to changes in production and design. The large headstock design is introduced on the Stratocaster, making it a hallmark of CBS-era instruments.

1966–1975: CBS Era Developments

  • 1965-66: Binding and block inlays are added to models like the Jazz Bass, Jaguar, and Jazzmaster. Maple fretboards return as an option, now implemented as a separate maple cap on the neck rather than the original one-piece construction.
  • 1971: The Bullet truss rod system is introduced, improving ease of adjustability. The three bolt neck with microtilt also debuted.
  • 1972: The Telecaster Custom with Fender's proprietary wide range humbucker is introduced.

Please note, this is not an exhaustive timeline, there are many other minor changes that occurred during these years. For more information we encourage you to visit Fender's website.

Vintage Fender guitars I am looking to buy: Stratocaster, Telecaster, Jazzmaster, Jaguar, and more

1950 Fender Broadcaster

Fender Stratocaster 1954 with Maple neck and Ash body, original leather strap, in center pocket case

1954 Fender Stratocaster

Factory Custom 1950's Fender Stratocaster

1950's Fender Telecaster

1959-1962 Fender Stratocaster

Looking to sell?

Do you have a similar guitar you would like to sell, or get appraised?
I would love to take a look! Please contact me today!