This clean 1969 Fender Telecaster Thinline has just landed at True Vintage Guitar! German luthier/designer Roger Rossmeisl played a major role in the development of this Telecaster variation after abandoning the short lived "smuggler" era Tele body route. This is version 1 of the Telecaster Thinline featuring standard single coil Telecaster pickups, 4 bolt neck joint, and truss rod adjustment at the heel. 

I'm always looking to buy vintage Fender guitars, especially Fender Telecaster guitars. Do you have one you're looking to sell? You can reach out to me here at the Sell Fender Guitar pageI'm looking forward to seeing it!

This rare DeArmond R15 amplifier is also fresh into the shop! DeArmond made amplifiers from about 1959 to 1961 and had the R5 (Champ style), R15 (Deluxe style), and R25 (Twin style, in Fender model terms). They're extremely well made amplifiers and compare favorably to their tweed Fender counterparts.
John Shults

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I would love to take a look! Please contact me today!